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Florent Beaudette
February 26, 1939 - July 28, 2015
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<div itemprop="description">Florent Beaudette <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />C&rsquo;est avec une grande tristesse que nous annon&ccedil;ons le d&eacute;c&egrave;s de Florent Beaudette le 28 juillet 2015 &agrave; l&rsquo;h&ocirc;pital r&eacute;gional Boundary Trails, &agrave; l&rsquo;&acirc;ge de 76 ans. Il s&rsquo;est &eacute;teint doucement, bien entour&eacute; de l&rsquo;amour de sa famille, au bout d&rsquo;une br&egrave;ve lutte contre le cancer. <br /> <br />Florent laisse dans le deuil son &eacute;pouse depuis bient&ocirc;t 53 ans, C&eacute;line (n&eacute;e Gendre), et ses quatre filles : Julie (Derryl) Reid et ses enfants Alix (Simon), Nicholas (Yuka) et Sarah; Roxanne (Bill) et ses enfants Beno&icirc;t, Natasha, Sophie et Claire Morham; Karine (Michel Loiselle), son fils Julien et ses beaux-fils Zacharie et Jean-Luc; et Anita (Luc Bourgeois) et ses enfants Manon et Samuel. Il laisse aussi ses s&oelig;urs Isabelle Brodeur et Jocelyne (Daniel) Rousseau; ses fr&egrave;res G&eacute;rard, Gilles (Genevi&egrave;ve) et Denis (Jacqueline); ses beaux-fr&egrave;res Wilfried Holtmann, Ren&eacute; Desrosiers et L&eacute;onard (Ir&egrave;ne) Gendre; ses belles-s&oelig;urs Rose Delorme, Peggy Gendre, Ir&egrave;ne Gendre et Angelina (Gerald) Connelley; ainsi qu&rsquo;un grand nombre de neveux, ni&egrave;ces, cousins, cousines et amis. <br /> <br />Il a &eacute;t&eacute; pr&eacute;c&eacute;d&eacute; de ses parents Edouard et Rose-Aim&eacute;e (n&eacute;e Champagne), de ses s&oelig;urs Agathe, Lorraine et Lucille, de son beau-fr&egrave;re L&eacute;o Brodeur, de ses beaux-parents Ulysse et Rosanna (n&eacute;e Lambert) Gendre, et de nombreux beaux-fr&egrave;res et belles-s&oelig;urs du c&ocirc;t&eacute; Gendre. <br /> <br />Florent est n&eacute; le 26 f&eacute;vrier 1939 &agrave; Saint-Jean-Baptiste, au Manitoba, sur la ferme patrimoniale de la famille Beaudette. &Agrave; l&rsquo;&acirc;ge de 11 ans, il quitte sa famille pour faire son cours classique au Coll&egrave;ge de Saint-Boniface comme pensionnaire. Brillant &eacute;l&egrave;ve, il obtient son baccalaur&eacute;at &egrave;s arts en 1958. Il poursuit ses &eacute;tudes &agrave; l&rsquo;Universit&eacute; du Manitoba en agriculture. C&rsquo;est pendant cette p&eacute;riode qu&rsquo;il rencontre C&eacute;line. Peu avant leur mariage en 1962, il d&eacute;croche un emploi avec le minist&egrave;re f&eacute;d&eacute;ral du Commerce et les jeunes mari&eacute;s d&eacute;m&eacute;nagent &agrave; Ottawa. <br /> <br />Apr&egrave;s la naissance de leur premi&egrave;re fille, Florent est pr&ecirc;t&eacute; au Service commercial f&eacute;d&eacute;ral &agrave; l&rsquo;&eacute;tranger, ce qui permet &agrave; la jeune famille de d&eacute;m&eacute;nager en Angleterre en 1966, o&ugrave; une autre fille est n&eacute;e. Un autre d&eacute;m&eacute;nagement, en France cette fois, et une autre fille plus tard, le couple revient &agrave; Ottawa en 1971, o&ugrave; leur quatri&egrave;me fille est n&eacute;e. Tous ces d&eacute;placements sont entrecoup&eacute;s de voyages d&rsquo;affaires, et parfois de loisir, aux quatre coins du monde. En 1975, Florent quitte la fonction publique et reprend la ferme Beaudette &agrave; Saint-Jean-Baptiste. Il travaille alors comme agronome pour Roy L&eacute;gumex. Il sert aussi de pr&eacute;fet pour la municipalit&eacute; de Montcalm de 1989 &agrave; 1998, y compris pendant l&rsquo;inondation du si&egrave;cle en 1997. Il prend (enfin!) sa retraite en 2004, ce qui lui permet de s&rsquo;adonner davantage &agrave; ses passe-temps : le jardinage, le curling, la lecture, les voyages, les mots crois&eacute;s, la g&eacute;n&eacute;alogie et les actualit&eacute;s mondiales, entre autres. <br /> <br />Toujours pr&egrave;s de sa communaut&eacute;, il a &eacute;t&eacute; actif dans de nombreux comit&eacute;s (dont le Pembina Valley Water Cooperative et le comit&eacute; organisateur de Farm Days) et au sein des Chevaliers de Colomb, fr&eacute;quentait r&eacute;guli&egrave;rement le caf&eacute; du coin et participait beaucoup aux activit&eacute;s communautaires. M&ecirc;me si sa belle voix basse et sa grande pr&eacute;sence faisaient parfois &laquo; peur &raquo; aux enfants (surtout &agrave; ses filles!), ces qualit&eacute;s lui ont bien servi dans la chorale paroissiale, au th&eacute;&acirc;tre Montcalm et &agrave; de nombreuses autres occasions professionnelles et communautaires. <br /> <br />Fier francophone, lui et C&eacute;line ont transmis l&rsquo;amour de la langue et de la culture fran&ccedil;aise &agrave; leurs enfants et petits-enfants. Les rassemblements de famille se passaient toujours dans le rire, m&ecirc;me pendant les &laquo; s&eacute;rieux &raquo; tournois de croquignole (pichenottes), jeu que Florent affectionnait depuis sa jeunesse et qu&rsquo;il jouait avec une adresse redoutable. &Eacute;ternel farceur, il a gard&eacute; son sens de l&rsquo;humour jusqu&rsquo;au dernier moment. Florent a touch&eacute; d&rsquo;innombrables gens au cours de sa vie et il manquera beaucoup &agrave; sa famille et &agrave; tous ceux et celles qui l&rsquo;ont connu. <br /> <br />La famille souhaite remercier sinc&egrave;rement le personnel de l&rsquo;h&ocirc;pital r&eacute;gional Boundary Trails, en particulier les Drs Woelk et Menzies et tout le personnel du Medical Unit. <br /> <br />La messe des fun&eacute;railles aura lieu le samedi 15 ao&ucirc;t 2015 &agrave; 14 h dans l&rsquo;&eacute;glise catholique de Saint-Jean-Baptiste. Elle sera pr&eacute;c&eacute;d&eacute;e de t&eacute;moignages &agrave; 13 h 30 et sera suivie de l&rsquo;inhumation des cendres au cimeti&egrave;re de Saint-Jean-Baptiste. <br /> <br />Au lieu d&rsquo;offrir des fleurs, les personnes int&eacute;ress&eacute;es sont invit&eacute;es &agrave; donner &agrave; la Fondation des maladies du c&oelig;ur ou au service des soins palliatifs du Boundary Trails Health Centre. <br /> <br />Ceux qui le d&eacute;sirent peuvent envoyer leur condol&eacute;ances au <br /> <br />______________ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />It is with heavy hearts that we announce Florent Beaudette&rsquo;s passing, on July 28, 2015, at Boundary Trails Health Centre. Following a brief battle with cancer, he passed away peacefully at the age of 76 surrounded by the love of his family. <br /> <br />Florent leaves to mourn his wife of nearly 53 years, C&eacute;line (n&eacute;e Gendre) and his four daughters: Julie (Derryl) Reid and her children Alix (Simon), Nicholas (Yuka) and Sarah; Roxanne (Bill) and her children Beno&icirc;t, Natasha, Sophie and Claire Morham; Karine (Michel Loiselle), her son Julien and her stepsons Zacharie and Jean-Luc; and Anita (Luc Bourgeois) and her children Manon and Samuel. He also leaves his sisters Isabelle Brodeur and Jocelyne (Daniel) Rousseau; his brothers G&eacute;rard, Gilles (Genevi&egrave;ve) and Denis (Jacqueline); his brothers-in-law Wilfried Holtmann, Ren&eacute; Desrosiers and L&eacute;onard (Ir&egrave;ne) Gendre; his sisters-in-law Rose Delorme, Peggy Gendre, Ir&egrave;ne Gendre and Angelina (Gerald) Connelley; as well as numerous nephews, nieces, cousins and friends. <br /> <br />He was predeceased by his parents Edouard and Rose-Aim&eacute;e (n&eacute;e Champagne), his sisters Agathe, Lorraine and Lucille, his brother-in-law L&eacute;o Brodeur, his parents-in-law Ulysse and Rosanna (n&eacute;e Lambert) Gendre, and numerous brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law of the Gendre side of the family. <br /> <br />Florent was born on February 26, 1939, on the Beaudette homestead in St. Jean-Baptiste, Manitoba. When he was 11, he left home to undertake his classical studies at St. Boniface College. A bright student, he obtained his Bachelor of Arts in 1958 and then continued his studies at the University of Manitoba in agriculture. Around this time, he met C&eacute;line. Shortly before their wedding in 1962, he obtained work with the federal Department of Commerce and the newlyweds moved to Ottawa. <br /> <br />After the birth of their first daughter, Flo was seconded to the federal Overseas Commercial Service and, in 1966, the young family moved to England where a second daughter was born. Another move, to France this time, and another daughter later, the couple returned to Ottawa in 1971, where the fourth daughter was born. In between these moves were many trips to various parts of the world, sometimes for business and sometimes for pleasure. In 1975, Flo left the public service, re-established his family on the Beaudette farm in St. Jean-Baptiste, and began work as an agronomist for Roy L&eacute;gumex. Between 1989 and 1998, he served as reeve for the Rural Municipality of Montcalm, during which the Flood of the Century occurred in 1997. He (finally!) retired in 2004 and was then able to focus more on favourite past-times: gardening, curling, reading, travelling, crossword puzzles, genealogy and keeping abreast of world events, amongst others. <br /> <br />Very community-minded, he was active in many organizations (including the Pembina Valley Water Cooperative and the Farm Days organizing committee) and in the Knights of Columbus, was a regular customer of the local coffee shop and participated in many local activities. His fine bass voice and strong presence sometimes &ldquo;frightened&rdquo; the children around him (especially his girls), but these qualities also served him well in the parish choir, in the Montcalm Theatre troupe, and at numerous professional and community events. A proud Francophone, he and C&eacute;line instilled in their children and grandchildren a love of the French language and culture. Family gatherings were always filled with laughter, even during &ldquo;very serious&rdquo; crokinole tournaments, a game that Flo enjoyed since youth and played with formidable skill. Always the joker, he kept his sense of humour to the very end. Flo came into contact with countless people during his life. He will be profoundly missed by his family and by all those who knew him. <br /> <br />The family wishes to sincerely thank the staff of the Boundary Trails Health Centre, in particular Drs. Woelk and Menzies and all the staff of the Medical Unit. <br /> <br />A funeral service will be held on Saturday, August 15, 2015, at 2:00 p.m. in the St. Jean-Baptiste Catholic Church. It will be preceded by eulogies at 1:30 p.m. and will be followed by the burial of the cremated remains in the St. Jean-Baptiste cemetery. <br /> <br />In lieu of flowers, a donation can be made to the Health and Stroke Foundation or to the Palliative Care ward of the Boundary Trails Health Centre. <br /> <br />Family and friends may send their condolences to <br /> <br /></div>