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Roger Phaneuf
February 29, 1936 - September 22, 2015
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<div itemprop="description">Entour&eacute; de sa famille, Roger nous a quitt&eacute;s le 22 septembre 2015 &agrave; l&rsquo;H&ocirc;pital Saint-Boniface. Il laisse dans le deuil son &eacute;pouse, Lucille (n&eacute;e Joubert); sa fille, Chantal (Damian Purdy); ses deux petits-enfants, &Eacute;l&eacute;anore et Lo&iuml;c; son fr&egrave;re, Paul (Lucille); son beau-fr&egrave;re Am&eacute;d&eacute;e Joubert (Rose); ses belles-s&oelig;urs, Aurore Goulet et Lorraine Joubert; ainsi que plusieurs neveux, ni&egrave;ces, parents et amis. <br /> <br />Pendant pr&egrave;s de 50 ans, Roger a fait carri&egrave;re comme barbier avec son fr&egrave;re jumeau, Paul. Ils ont leur propre salon de barbier, boulevard Provencher, o&ugrave; les deux fr&egrave;res cultivent une client&egrave;le fid&egrave;le dont plusieurs deviendront, au cours des ann&eacute;es, de bons amis. Roger &eacute;tait connu et appr&eacute;ci&eacute; pour sa g&eacute;n&eacute;rosit&eacute;, sa patience et son temp&eacute;rament facile. Il s&rsquo;entendait bien avec tout le monde qu&rsquo;il rencontrait et &eacute;tait toujours pr&ecirc;t &agrave; rendre service. <br /> <br />Roger aimait les rencontres de famille et, avec Lucille, ils accueillaient souvent les membres de leur famille &eacute;largie chez eux. Pour le d&eacute;but de chaque ann&eacute;e scolaire, en septembre, Roger achetait une fleur pour sa fille Chantal, une tradition qu&rsquo;il a poursuivie avec sa petite-fille, &Eacute;l&eacute;anore. <br /> <br />Sa foi en Dieu et l'appui de sa famille et de ses amis d&eacute;vou&eacute;s, entre autres Maurice, Norbert et son fr&egrave;re Paul ont &eacute;t&eacute; d'un grand soutien durant sa maladie. <br /> <br />La famille tient &agrave; remercier sinc&egrave;rement le Dr Kevin Coates et le personnel de l&rsquo;h&ocirc;pital pour les soins attentifs et compatissants durant son s&eacute;jour &agrave; l&rsquo;h&ocirc;pital. <br /> <br />Une messe des fun&eacute;railles sera c&eacute;l&eacute;br&eacute;e le samedi 26 septembre &agrave; 10h en l&rsquo;&eacute;glise de Saint-Martyrs-Canadiens, 289 avenue Dussault. <br /> <br />Ceux qui souhaite exprimer leur sympathie peuvent faire un don &agrave; la m&eacute;moire de Roger &agrave; D&eacute;veloppement et Paix, 1425 boulevard Ren&eacute;-L&eacute;vesque, 3&egrave;me &eacute;tage, Montr&eacute;al QC, H3G 9Z9 <br /> <br /> <br />Roger Phaneuf <br />1936-2015 <br /> <br />Surrounded by the love of his family, Roger passed away on September 22nd at St. Boniface General Hospital. He will forever be loved by his wife Lucille and his daughter Chantal (Damian Purdy), as well as his precious grand-children, &Eacute;l&eacute;anore and Lo&iuml;c. Roger leaves behind to cherish his memory his twin brother Paul (Lucille), brother-in-law Am&eacute;d&eacute;e Joubert (Rose), and sisters-in-law Aurore Goulet and Lorraine Joubert, as well as many nieces, nephews, and friends that he dearly loved. <br /> <br />For nearly 50 years, Roger and Paul's barbershop on Provencher Boulevard was a mainstay of the city's Francophone community. Frequented by everyone, some even say that Roger knew more St. Boniface secrets than the parish priest at confessional. But as a quiet, honest, and loyal man, everyone knew their secrets were safe with him. Roger was widely-regarded for his generosity, his patience, and his easy temperament; he got along with everyone he met and was always willing to lend a hand where needed. <br /> <br />During his last illness, Roger found great comfort in his faith in God and his family, as well as the love and support of his devoted friends, Maurice, Norbert, and his brother Paul amongst many others. <br /> <br />The family wishes to thank Dr. Kevin Coates and the staff of St. Boniface General Hospital for their attentive and compassionate care. <br /> <br />A funeral mass will be held on Saturday, September 26 at 10:00 a.m. at Saint-Martyrs-Canadiens Parish, 289 Dussault Avenue. <br /> <br />In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Roger's memory to Development and Peace, 1425 boulevard Ren&eacute;-L&eacute;vesque, 3rd floor, Montr&eacute;al QC, H3G 9Z9.</div>