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Louis Vielfaure
November 11, 1928 - February 14, 2015
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<div itemprop="description">Father Louis Vielfaure <br />(1928-2015)<br /><br />It is with great sadness that the family wishes to announce the passing of Father Louis Vielfaure at the age of 86. It was on Saturday February 14, 2015 at St. Boniface Hospital that Father Louis peacefully went into the arms of his Creator. <br /><br />Il laisse dans le deuil trois soeurs: Annette (Kirouac), Lina (Gr&eacute;goire) et Florence (Torcutti); belles-soeurs Hermine Vielfaure et Madeleine T&eacute;trault, et plusieurs neveux et ni&egrave;ces. Il fut pr&eacute;c&eacute;d&eacute; dans le deuil par ses parents Marius et Marie-Louise, sa soeur jumelle Louise (T&eacute;trault), ses fr&egrave;res Guy, Aim&eacute;, Antonio et Albert.<br /><br />Le P&egrave;re Louis naquit &agrave; La Broquerie le 11 novembre 1928. Il grandit sur une ferme, fit ses &eacute;tudes secondaires et universitaires au Coll&egrave;ge St-Boniface et ses &eacute;tudes th&eacute;ologiques &agrave; Ottawa. C&rsquo;est le 2 f&eacute;vrier 1954 que Louis fut ordonn&eacute; au sacerdoce dans sa paroisse natale de La Broquerie. En 1958, le P&egrave;re Louis partit comme missionnaire en Afrique o&ugrave; il y oeuvra pendant plus de 40 ans. Il s&rsquo;y donna coeur et &acirc;me comme missionnaire en Zambia. Il &eacute;tait passionn&eacute; d&rsquo;enseigner les Sciences et la Physique (11 ans) dans une &eacute;cole de 125 gar&ccedil;ons dou&eacute;s et plus tard dans une &eacute;cole de filles &agrave; Lubushi: il est &agrave; noter que un de ses &eacute;l&egrave;ves est plus tard devenu un &eacute;v&ecirc;que. &Agrave; autres temps, il fut vice-recteur, recteur, chaplain, cur&eacute; et &eacute;conome d&rsquo;une paroisse &agrave; Lubushi. Il aimait bien ce travail car il devait entreprendre une vari&eacute;t&eacute; de travaux &agrave; coordonner. Il disait que la vie missionnaire &eacute;tait &agrave; la fois un grand d&eacute;fi et une belle aventure. Malgr&eacute; les difficult&eacute;s, le manque de resources ou d&rsquo;argent, le P&egrave;re Louis demeurait toujours positif. Sa pri&egrave;re pr&eacute;f&eacute;r&eacute;e: &ldquo;Seigneur, aide-moi &agrave; me rappeler que rien n&rsquo;arrivera aujourd&rsquo;hui que toi et moi ne pourront y faire face!&rsquo;&rsquo; Il aimait aussi raconter des histoires et taquiner ses neveux et ni&egrave;ces. Son dicton pr&eacute;f&eacute;r&eacute; &eacute;tait: La vie est belle!<br /><br />C&rsquo;est en 1998 que le P&egrave;re Louis revient au Canada; il fut nomm&eacute; Directeur pour la maison des missionnaires d&rsquo;Afrique des P&egrave;res Blancs &agrave; St-Boniface. En 2010, la maison fut vendue et il s&rsquo;installa &agrave; la R&eacute;sidence Despins &agrave; St-Boniface. Le P&egrave;re Louis n&rsquo;avait pas grand temps pour la retraite car il continua &agrave; oeuvrer dans diff&eacute;rentes paroisses du dioc&egrave;se en rempla&ccedil;ant les pr&ecirc;tres en vacances, en faisant des bapt&ecirc;mes ou des mariages selon les demandes. En r&eacute;fl&eacute;chissant sur sa vocation, le P&egrave;re Louis nous partagea: &ldquo;J&rsquo;ai d&eacute;couvert que la r&eacute;alit&eacute; de la grande aventure missionnaire est encore plus merveilleuse que le r&ecirc;ve que je m&rsquo;en faisais.&rdquo;<br /><br />Father Louis was born in La Broquerie, raised on a farm, did his high school and university studies at the University of St. Boniface and his theological studies in Ottawa.<br /><br />It was on February 2, 1954 in his beloved hometown of La Broquerie that Louis was ordained and welcomed into the community of the White Fathers of Africa. He left in 1958 to do his missionary work in the country of Zambia, Africa. He was passionate about teaching the Sciences and Physics in a boarding school of 125 boys and later a high school of girls as well. He always wanted the best for his students and he poured his heart and soul in his missionary work. At different times, he was associate Dean, then Dean, a chaplain, a Parish Priest in Lubushi and later, he was the chief accountant. He relished this work as it offered new challenges and a variety of work. In spite of many difficulties, lack of resources and money, Father Louis always remained positive; his favorite motto was: &ldquo;Life is beautiful!&rdquo;<br /><br />After some 40 years of missionary work, Father Louis came back to Canada in 1998. Here he was assigned as Director for the Missionaries of Africa in St. Boniface. In 2010, the White Fathers House was closed and he moved to where he last resided at the R&eacute;sidence Despins. However, Father Louis was not one to enjoy retirement too much as he continued in the ministry, replacing in various parishes in the diocese whenever the need arose. He was also always available to carry out the sacraments of baptism, of marriage or funerals whenever he was called upon by family or friends. Upon reflection on his chosen vocation, Father Louis shared with us these thoughts: &ldquo;I have discovered that the reality of this great adventure of missionary work was even more extraordinary and marvelous than the dreams I had imagined.&rdquo;<br /><br />The family would like to thank all the doctors and nurses on Unit 4B for the loving and tender care given to Father Louis during his stay at St. Boniface Hospital as well as the wonderful staff at the R&eacute;sidence Despins.<br /><br />Prayers will be said on Friday, February 20th at 7 pm at the chapel at R&eacute;sidence Despins, 151 Despins St. in St. Boniface. The funeral mass will be held in La Broquerie, on Saturday February 21st at 11:00 am, with viewing at 10:30 am. A private family interment to take place at a later date.<br /><br />If friends so desire, donations may be made to: Les Missionnaires d&rsquo;Afrique c/o Father Jean-Guy Labrecque, 1640 rue St-Hubert, Montreal, P.Q. H2L 3Z3.<br /><br /><br /><br /></div>